Chulani Promotional Products Company - USA
 Manufacturer Of "Competitive Edge Innovations" 
Website Access Is For Promotional Products Distributors Only
Customer Service Hours 9am - 5pm EST Monday To Friday     TEL *973*279*6666

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Add Fun & Energy To Your Night Events
Perfect For Disco's, July 4th, New Year, Summer Events & More

500 - Glow Necklace 22"

500TRI-Glow Necklace 22" 504 - Glow Stick 4"  506 - Glow Stick 6"  505 - Glow Bracelet 8"

Noisemakers For Sports & Party

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631- Cowbells Fun Noisemaker

530 - Musical Blowout
Noisemaker 11"

532 - Fringed Horn
Noisemaker 7"

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661- Flip Drum Noisemaker
Limited Colors Available

662-  Air Horn 3"

646 - Tambourine 5 1/2"
Limited Quantity Closeout

Website Access Is For Promotional Products Distributors Only
Customer Service Hours 9am - 5pm EST,  Monday To Friday *** TEL*973*279*6666 ***
Email For All Requests: